Well, I've gone to the next step, and now I have some nice tattooing equipment, a liner a shader, and lots of gizmos that make it all work. I'll be getting some expert guidance from Sean and Sheila of Vancouver Island Tattoo in Cumberland BC
A good friend and extremely talented artist friend of mine, Patricia, asked me to come up with something for a tattoo design she's been working on for herself. Here is the design she sent me, a very stylized B & W hard edged design, and my first rough drawing as well as a more detailed, shaded version. I haven't even shown it to her yet, I have NO idea if she'll like it....
I just created this Tiger tattoo design. I went with the pure Japanese styling for the Tiger, but the water, fire and smoke is not in the Japanese style, but rather in my own 'special effects' style. This is something I hope to be able to do more and more as I actually become a professional tattooist...